How To Get Rid Of Implants. Part 2.

Dec. 11, 1995.

"Blowing the Lid" Off The Alien Abduction Experience!
By Mari Angelique Raphael, E. E. H.

"I was having cellular memories of being taken by aliens and operated on; only to wake up the following day with severe vaginal and abdominal pain. I felt dizzy and drugged. After the cords were cut and the implants neutralized, I no longer had any symptoms of "attention deficit disorder" or comprehension problems. I felt my powers as a Lightworker were given back to me. Regardless of someone's status, whether they've been baptized or just "good people", abduction is effecting everyone on an unconscious level. Stop playing with "the greys". Cut the cords. Take your power back. America, wake up!" -Melanie L.

Introduction :::

The information I am about to share with you is controversial and challenging. It is from my own personal experiences, (and is my viewpoint), as an abductee by the negative aliens, (Dark Beings), and as a contactee to the positive human-appearing Extra Terrestrials, (Light Beings). I have not read any written material on abduction, aliens, angels, government conspiracy, etc. I was instructed by my guides many years ago, (i.e. human- appearing high beings aligned to the Light that work with each and everyone of us while we are here on the Earth plane), to not be influenced by anyone else's perception -- that my awareness would be completely from my own personal encounter with these Light and Dark Beings. This is my story

........ I was abducted/implanted for 16 years, (beginning at the moment of conception and up until age 16). By that age, I had gone through many traumatic experiences of being abducted, (i.e., medical examinations, genetic engineering, pregnancies, mind control -- including CIA and FBI involvement, implants, drugs, and various forms of physical and psychic torture). I don't want to in any way diminish the horrendous effect all of this has had on my life and the toll it has taken; (as well as the time and commitment it takes to heal from such experiences). To be impregnated with alien sperm, (as well as injected with alien DNA), and feel the repulsion and terror that, something is growing inside of me, and I can't get it out." The intense torture of having electrodes inserted, (without anesthesia), into my brain, spinal column, hands and soles of my feet; and having negative electromagnetic energy shot into my body to reprogram my brain and central nervous system. All done to mind control me to believe: "I'm helpless and hopeless," "I'm bad and evil," "I don't deserve love or anything good," "I must be punished," etc. The pain of this was so great, I prayed for death.......

As a result, I have been in a conscious healing process for over 25 years, (and I'm still releasing traumas). I have been greatly assisted by wonderful healers to help me release these tortures, my fear, low self esteem, my lack of trust, depression, rage, self hate, powerlessness, poverty mentality, etc. Also, please know I was continually helped, (and still am today), and my life saved on numerous occasions by divine intervention in the form of Angels/Beings of Light. At age 16, since I had completed my experience of having direct physical contact with the negative aliens to raise their vibration; I was fortunately and with much help able to neutralize my implants and sever my connection to them permanently. Since age 16, 1 have never been implanted or abducted again. I, along with millions of other Lightworkers, (Beings of Light here in a human incarnation), continually work with the Universal Godhead/Ascended Masters in the etheric as well as in this dimension; to raise the vibration, (as well as consciousness), of the planet, so that on a global level, everyone's implants are neutralized and the abductions stop.

All of us here on the Earth plane who serve the Light/good are Lightworkers, (and there are millions of us). Any human being who is capable of love and compassion, (no matter what their flaws or imperfections), is a Lightworker. However, most Lightworkers are unaware of their true identity/potential, due to the contamination/numbing-out process caused by the implants, abduction, mind control on radio and television, child abuse and other unresolved psychological traumas, poor diet, alcoholism, drug abuse, poverty, addictions of all kinds, etc. , that leave everyone feeling helpless and hopeless. Everyone has forgotten their divine connection!

Well, the big wake-up call has arrived! We are all responsible for our own individual spiritual awakening/healing journey, and working as a collective to aid the entire planet. There is no free ride for anyone -- we must all muster up the courage and strength to go into the hidden depths of our own personal pain to find healing, truth, and ultimately the "Light" and power of our true nature. When we all make this commitment, we will each be liberated back into the Light!

Over the years, I like many others have learned how to consciously connect to the Universal Godhead/Ascended Masters, (i.e. Jesus, Buddha, Archangel Michael, St. Germaine, etc.), or those beings aligned to the Light. I have seen, spoken and touched them all my life. I continually receive telepathic messages as to the progress of planetary ascension, governmental/ negative alien conspiracies, and general information regarding the many ways the Dark is interfering with all souls, (i.e. alien abduction, implants/mind control, psychotronics, ELF, (extremely low frequency) waves, negative subliminals on radio and television, designer viruses, the toxicity in every aspect of the environment, legal violations, and general infringements of freedom on any level, etc.).

This 3rd dimension of space and time called Planet Earth was the domain of the Dark -- as the balance of power has now shifted from Dark to Light. I believe the only souls inhabiting this planet are Light Beings (Lightworkers) and Dark Beings. We are here for the final clearing/planetary ascension. This Universe has been cleared of any Dark contamination except for the last remnants of this negative energy remaining here on Planet Earth. Lightworkers, (souls aligned to the Light), have been coming to the Earth plane for thousands of incarnations. Our mission is to raise the planet/vibration back into the Light, and to release ourselves from the pain and suffering/spiritual slavery imposed by the Dark.

Many millions of years ago, (if we are looking at this as linear time), there was an imbalance of energy in the Universe. (Maybe the Universe had to learn about the misuse of power as part of its spiritual growth and development). Some describe this imbalance as the "Angelic Rebellion." Whether Lucifer seduced one third of the Angelic Realm to follow him, (thus creating "the Dark"); or all Light Beings created a Dark polarity of themselves to play out this particular part -- the result was the creation of duality in the form of negative electromagnetic energy, (the Dark). The Dark exists by creating and feeding off the negative electromagnetic energy generated by pain and suffering, fear, hate, helplessness and hopelessness, sexual perversity, torture, and all forms of abuse. This is why TV is like it is; to continually generate this fear. Prior to this, the Universe was only filled, (and still is), with Light -- positive electromagnetic energy; in the form of love, harmony, strength, self-empowerment, peace, wisdom, abundance, unlimited power, balance, compassion and complete union with the Godhead. Now, maybe the Light and Dark have to come together to balance each other. Someday, we will know the truth of all of this...

::: Alien Abduction/Implants :::

Alien abduction has always occurred on the Earth plane by alien species commonly called the greys, reptilians, insectoids, and other negative aliens. In my experience, "the greys" have a greyish foul-smelling skin and have large heads and eyes, and are only about 3 feet tall. "The reptilians" are very large, (7 - 8 feet), and look like lizards/dinosaurs. "The insectoids" are also quite tall, (6 - 7 feet), and look like praying mantises. All were exceedingly cruel in their treatment of me, never showing any empathy, compassion or love. They seemed to enjoy my terror, pain and suffering.....delighting in each new torture! Anyway, no being aligned to the Light would abduct another soul!

Part 2.

John Winston.

Part 1